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Construction Financing Glossary of Terms

Construction of a new home

Home & Construction Financing

Ready to start building your dream home? 获得建设融资和引导一个漫长的建设可能是令人生畏的, especially for first-time homebuilders. 为了简化这个过程,体育彩票外围平台编制了一个常用术语和定义列表.

Still have questions? Let us be your guide. Contact us online 或致电1-800-919-3276与当地贷方商谈建设融资事宜.

Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 贷款费用总额与贷款金额的百分比关系, over the life of the loan. Do not confuse APR with your quoted interest rate, 用什么来决定你每月的本息支付. 年利率反映了你抵押贷款的年利率. 它将高于票据上所述的利率,因为它包括(除利率外)贷款点数, fees and mortgage insurance.

Appraisal: 由合格的专业人士撰写的报告,根据物业的特点和该地区类似或可比物业的销售价格,陈述对物业价值的意见.

Appraisal Inspection: 在施工期间,当收到招标请求时,评估师将访问物业. 他们将使用原始的建设计划来确定完整性的水平,以确认建设是在轨道上,并提取资金可以释放.

As will be appraisal: 利用房屋/建筑物的财产规划和建筑规格来确定财产价值的评估,就好像房屋/建筑物已经建成一样.

Certificate of Occupancy (also called Occupancy Permit): 由当地市政当局给予的允许新建房屋的书面授权, or substantially renovated, structure to be inhabited. Class A Contractor: A类总承包许可证/证书持有人被授权建造或拆除, or deconstruct, 受建筑法规管制的任何建筑物或构筑物, 包括低于此级别的许可类型授权的所有工作.

Closing Costs: 抵押贷款借款人(有时是卖方)在购买房产的价格之外支付的成本. 这些费用包括但不限于贷款方的费用、所有权费和评估费用.

Contractor’s License: 由管理机构(国家)颁发的证书,证明承包商是该领域的专业人员,并符合施工的所有资格.

Cost Overrun: Any dollar amount that exceeds the agreed upon contract price. Most cost overruns are caused by lack of detailed plans, changes in the original plans, material cost increases and weather. 所有成本超支必须在工作开始前得到贷款人的批准.

Draw: 从建设贷款中提取的资金将用于支付承包商的费用, 建造房屋的建筑材料和人工费用. 付款计划-由承包商商定的建筑工程的详细付款计划, client and lender.

Down Payment:买房人为完成交易而支付给卖房人的销售价格的一部分. 此外,销售价格和按揭金额之间的差额.

Homeowners Insurance (also called Hazard Insurance): 买方为保护财产不受火灾损失而要求的房地产保险单, natural causes, vandalism and other events. 可能还包括额外的保险,如个人责任和盗窃离家.

Interest Rate: 为使用通过贷款垫付的款项而支付给出借人的抵押金额的一部分, usually expressed as an annual percentage.

Interim Interest: 按日计算的利息,从结算日起至月末止.

Loan-to-Value (LTV): 根据房产的评估价值计算抵押贷款金额的比率.

Manufactured Home: 在非现场设备上的预制结构,被运送到建筑工地并放置在基础上. 这些房屋是永久连接到底盘在最初的建设过程中使用.

Modification Process: A change made to the terms of an existing loan by the lender. At the end of construction, 你的贷款从短期建筑贷款转为长期固定利率贷款.

Modular Home: 运输到建筑工地的非现场设施的预制结构. The modules are set using a crane to complete the dwelling.

Patronage: 根据协会的财务表现,每年向农业信贷客户发放现金股息, which effectively lowers the cost of borrowing.

Prepaids: 你的贷款结算费用的一部分,必须在结算时收取,以支付税款, interest and insurance.

Prime Market Rate: 由联邦储备委员会设定的利率,你的贷款人将使用它来设定为你的建筑借贷资金的成本.

Rate Lock: 借款人和贷款人同意保护利率, points and term of the loan while it is processed. This protection has an expiration date.

Secondary Mortgage Market: 投资者和贷款人之间买卖住房贷款和体育彩票正规app下载权的市场.

Stick Built Home: A wooden structure (dwelling) constructed entirely on-site.

Survey: 由注册测量员绘制的标明一处财产的法定边界的图纸.

Title Bring-down: 您的成交代理人必须搜索公共记录,以确认产权保险是干净的,以便从建设资金中提取资金.

Variable Rate: 由于经济状况和美联储设定的利率,贷款期间的利率可能会发生变化.

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